Welcome VUSD employees to your Employee Self Service portal!

This is a secure web-based employee self-service portal that is accessible only to Visalia Unified School District employees who are currently receiving pay from the District. This site does not contain information for non VUSD employees.

Log in here or at the LOG IN icon on the top right of this page and use your VUSD network credentials.
(Email account without the @vusd.org or @vusd.us)

Forgot your password?
Please call the helpdesk: 559-730-7627 for a password reset.

Are you a new hire?
Your Employee Self Service account may not be available until payday.
How to Access Employee Self Service

If you are having trouble signing in, please submit a service ticket for Business Information Systems (BIS).
(Service Area: Technology; Request Type: Business Systems; Sub: Employee Self Service (ESS))

Currently users of this site may:
•View and print paycheck images
•View and print W-2 images
•View Federal W-4 and State DE-4 information
•View Range/Step or Class/Step information